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VanDyne SuperTurbo, Inc.™ Receives National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research Award for Its Innovative Engine Heat Recovery Technology

July 28, 2010

Fort Collins, Colo., July 26th, 2010 — VanDyne SuperTurbo, Inc.™ is pleased to announce that it has been awarded $149,000 for a Phase One SBIR project by the National Science Foundation to explore the recovery of wasted exhaust heat from a gasoline engine and its catalytic converter by transferring waste heat energy to the crankshaft via the Company’s SuperTurbo.

As a result of the project, the Company will validate energy recovery from the waste heat going out the tail pipe; resulting in extensive CO₂ emissions reductions and fuel economy improvements, while providing horsepower gains at the same time. Testing will be conducted on an unmodified gasoline engine in a controlled environment to observe the fuel efficiency gains. The test will be based on the data presented in the Society of Automotive Engineers paper 2010-01-1231, “Analysis of SuperTurbocharged Downsized Engine Using 1-D CFD Simulation”, co-written by Chris Chadwell and Mark Walls of Southwest Research Institute and Ed VanDyne and Dr. Volker Schumacher of VanDyne SuperTurbo, Inc.™

“This NSF SBIR award is very helpful for our young Company”, said Ed VanDyne, Founder & CEO of VanDyne SuperTurbo, Inc.™ “Our technology truly is an enabler for the current manufacturers of internal combustion engines to meet their CO₂ reduction regulation, without changing that much in their vehicles besides making smaller engines. We also have the ability to support future engine platforms in Hybrid’s to further improve total vehicle energy efficiency”.

Upon completion of the initial phase of the program, the Company will utilize the testing results to develop a more fuel efficient prototype as it applies for Phase Two of the program which could be valued at $500,000.

VanDyne SuperTurbo, Inc.™ is a technology company specializing in the design, development and production of SuperTurbos™ for the global automotive market and for heavy duty engine manufacturers. A SuperTurbo™ is a transmission driven turbocharger, which can function as a supercharger or a turbo compounder that recovers waste heat that is added to engine power.

Our research results are based upon work supported by the NSF SBIR Program under Grant No. 1014354. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.